The Importance of Visiting Places Outside of Tokyo and Kyoto

There’s much more to Japan than Tokyo and Kyoto.

There are 9 regions and 47 prefectures in Japan. The country is long from north to south. While much of the country falls in one climate, the Southern islands are sub-tropical and Hokkaido is the East Pacific climate.

Sure, I can see why Tokyo, the new capital, and Kyoto, the former capital, are popular. The metropolis of Tokyo suits different styles and interests with unique neighborhoods, various attractions, and buzzing energy. Kyoto has this refinement and it’s a bit more manageable of a city to navigate.

These two cities, Tokyo and Kyoto, are located in two popular regions, Kanto and Kansai respectively. But, there are 5 other prefectures in Kansai and 6 other prefectures in Kanto.

When you visit these two cities with possibly a stop in Hakone, Osaka, or Nara, you’re getting a limited experience and view of what Japan is. How about the beaches in Kagoshima or Okinawa? Or seeing fall foliage in the Tohoku region or soaking in the hot springs of Kyushu.

Even if it’s your first time planning a trip to Japan, I’d encourage you to seek out regions and cities outside of Tokyo and Kyoto. The smaller cities and countryside towns will show you more of the Japanese culture and cuisine as well as how beautiful nature can be. You’ll also find out what seasonal foods are growing or what they’re known for.

Not only will your trip experience be better by intentionally making choices that are different from other travelers, but you’ll also be supporting these economies directly.

Sequoia Armstrong

Found of Puebla York. Travel consultant and advisor. Culinary experience curator.

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